Consistently transform your resume and cover letters with our personalized GPT build. Leveraging AI technology and our extensive experience in resume writing and career coaching, we create your very own GPT, loaded with every job, date, certificate, skill, and achievement you’ve accomplished in your career. With that information stored, simply copy and paste in a job description and watch a perfectly curated resume and cover letter tailored to the job be written for you.
How It Works:
Send Us Your Information: current resume, previous cover letters, previous bios.
Clean the Content: We’ll tidy it up, structure it and create custom instructions for the GPT to understand its purpose; taking into consideration your preferred voice, tone, and language style.
Trial Runs: we’ll copy paste a few job descriptions into the GPT to ensure that it is working as expected, and the crafted resume and cover letters are to your liking.
Ongoing Iterations: we’ll ensure that your GPT stays current, uploading new roles and responsibilities as they’re obtained.
Please reach out for a demo.
GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT that users can tailor for specific tasks or topics by combining instructions, knowledge, and capabilities. They can be as simple or as complex as needed, addressing anything from language learning to technical support.